• Support for Business and Marketing Educators

    Section 1: Vetted resources and advice from our Teacher Advisory Network, PD Team, and staff.
    Section 2: How businesses are adjusting to COVID-19. Use these articles for online discussion or written responses. 

    Resources That Educators Recommend

    These and others are constantly updated on our COVID-19 support page.

    Personal Finance Resources and PD
    Next Gen Personal Finance is the site I use the most right now. It has shorter, well-thought-out activities, and my students usually stay engaged. Everything is free." - Tony Raffetto, Business Teacher, Wilcox High (CA)

    "You can edit everything to suit your needs into a Google Classroom or download as a Word document." - Amber Florence, Business/Marketing Teacher, Harrison County Area Technology Center (KY)

    "I did a lot of PD with them this weekend. It is all free and very good." - Katrina McDowell, Marketing/Management Instructor, High Plains Technology Center (OK)

    "The site has a career section that I use frequently." - Kim Guest, Coordinator for Online Education Experiences and Risk Management and Insurance Teacher, Genesee Career Institute (MI)

    Starting Online Discussion
    Use Gray Zone ethical dilemmas to generate online discussions on discussion boards. If you use the MBA Learning Center (Canvas), here's how to use the built-in discussion board. Each of MBA Research's Learning Activity Packages (LAPs) includes a Gray Zone. This includes the 72 ethics-focused LAPs available at no cost thanks to the Daniels Fund High School Ethics Initiative. 

    "I use Gray Zone ethical dilemmas every Wednesday for 'Ethics Wednesdays.'" - Willene Biere, Business Academy Teacher/Director, Canyon Springs High (CA)

    "Gray Zones are one of the few things that get [students] talking without tricking them into discussion.” - Tony Raffetto, Business Teacher, Wilcox High (CA)

    Finding Lessons (LAPs) in the MBA Learning Center
    It's easy to search for LAPs by keyword. Here's how.

    "I use the Search Bar in Commons to find LAPs that address my state standards." - Vallie Robeson, Marketing Instructor, Clay High (OH)

    How Businesses Are Adjusting to COVID-19

    We Are Here To Help

    Reach out to Customer Service for assistance with any of our resources.