• Teachers

    Information for teachers interested in learning more about California FBLA

    What Is CA FBLA All About?Teachers

    We're committed to preparing today's high school and middle school students to become the business and community leaders of tomorrow. Over 7,000 students a year from school chapters around the state participate in CA FBLA events, conferences, and competitions. Students gain critical business skills, complete community service projects, network with businesses, and learn the leadership skills that are in high demand in the workplace.

    More than any other CTSO, CA FBLA is student-driven. Students choose to compete in several of more than 60 different competitive events across the career skill spectrum. They design, participate in, and lead community service projects. Students can also run for Chapter, State, and even National office! Because of this, each chapter has its own "flavor", with some focusing more on competitive events while others focus on community service projects.

    Finally, FBLA will enrich your curriculum and help your school fulfill the "Leadership" components of Career Technical Education program needs and the Carl D. Perkins Act funding.  Plus, it will give you, the teacher, a rich network of teachers with which to share ideas and resources!

    The Teacher's Role

    Teachers are advisers who oversee and coordinate their Chapter's activities. They ensure that there's a place to meet and that their officer team has regular meetings. Advisers help coach and guide their chapter members as they select community service projects and events to compete in. Most of all, they make sure their students are registered for conferences and as CA FBLA members, and take them to the various conferences where they supervise their students' activities.

    An adviser's role truly is advisory. They are mentors and powerful influencers of student learning. Ultimately, the best path to success is to make sure there's a powerful, engaged officer team to work with and mentor.

    Getting Started

    If you're interested in starting a new chapter at your school, or want to find out more, contact the state officeand we'll gladly help! Be sure to check out the FBLA Adviser Resource Guide for lots of helpful information. You also may want to show your potential members more of our website and linked resources and videos.

    Once your questions have been answered, follow the steps listed on our "Start a Chapter" web page and contact us--We'd love to hear from you!